Nikolausfeier 2016

Portland KinderschuleSpecial Events

Do you know where Santa Claus got his name from? From the Dutch. Their name for the legendary bishop Saint Nicholas of Myra is Sinterklaas which turned into Santa Claus. And the Germans call the same person Nikolaus. There are a few differences between Santa Claus and Nikolaus. Santa Claus wears a white trimmed red coat, rides around in a … Read More

Laternenlauf 2016

Portland KinderschuleSpecial Events

Every year in fall around November 10th or 11th little kids in Germany go out on the streets at dusk holding self-made little lanterns and singing songs for the traditional Laternenlauf (lantern walk). In Catholic regions it is also called a St.Martin’s-Umzug as it happens on November 11th which is St.Martin’s day to honor the saint, who cut his coat … Read More

Portland KinderschuleQuotes

The Power of Play

Portland KinderschuleClass Time

A recent article in The Atlantic discusses the growing concern among researchers and parents that pushing preschoolers to focus on pre-academic essentials, such as phonics, could actually be decreasing our children’s enthusiasm about school.  The article notes that young children learn best by exploring the world around them in their own way, and by engaging in conversation with adults and … Read More

Faschingsfest 2016

Portland KinderschuleSpecial Events

Faschingsfest is a pre-Lenten celebration that is marked by many different traditions and customs throughout Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The festivities traditionally include parties and parades.  Portland Kinderschule loves to take every opportunity to enrich day-to-day education with celebration of German culture.  We recently took a vacation from our usual curriculum to celebrate Fasching with a play, games, costumes and … Read More