Faschingsfest 2016

Portland KinderschuleGerman Tradition, Special Events

Faschingsfest is a pre-Lenten celebration that is marked by many different traditions and customs throughout Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

The festivities traditionally include parties and parades.  Portland Kinderschule loves to take every opportunity to enrich day-to-day education with celebration of German culture.  We recently took a vacation from our usual curriculum to celebrate Fasching with a play, games, costumes and treats.

Portland Kinderschule students are particularly fond of Fasching because all are invited to wear their carnival costumes to school.  We host a party open to the entire Portland Kinderschule community.  This year, we kicked off the celebration with a presentation by the students of “Der Wolf Und Die Sieben Geisslein.”  After the play, children and adults do the Hokey Pokey, enjoy music and games, and of course, eat a donut or two.
