Our Preschool
Portland Kinderschule offers a complete German language-immersion preschool experience for children ages three (3) to five (5) years and who are potty trained. In certain circumstances, children younger than three may be accepted with approval of our teachers and school Board of Directors.
We operate our regular co-operative preschool program from September through June, following the Portland Public School calendar. We are open Monday through Friday, 9am-1pm. Our children may attend 3, 4, or 5 days a week, depending on availability. In order to keep up with the language skills of other children in the classroom, we require all students to register for a minimum of three days of preschool per week. Families are given the ability to select which days they prefer but may be limited based on classroom space availability.3-5 Years Old
We welcome children who are 3–5 years of age. Children younger than 3 may be accepted with approval of the Board.
12 Children Per Class
Our class sizes are small so your child will receive individualized attention.
Balanced Curriculum
Focused learning times are balanced with indoor and outdoor free play so your child learns the language in a setting of fun.
Cultural Activities
We regularly hold special events and performances that honor German traditions and holidays.
Portland Kinderschule will be closed on holidays observed by Portland Public Schools. Portland Kinderschule’s German language immersion preschool regularly holds special events honoring German traditions and holidays.
We invite all of our community members, including Portland Kinderschule graduates and their families, to celebrate St. Martin’s Laternenumzug, Nikolausfeier, and Faschingsfeier. In addition to our yearly celebrations, Portland Kinderschule schedules several field trips which are open to all currently enrolled students and siblings.
Typical Daily Schedule
8:40 am – 8:50 am
Parent helper (PH) and teacher arrive to help set up room
8:50 am – 9:00 am
Children arrive, PH helps children get jackets, backpacks off and hausschuae on, plays with Kinder
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Children have free play with PH, teacher has art/crafts with small groups, reads
10:00 am
Aufräumen / clean up
10:10 am – 10:30 am
Circle Time: Stories, songs, music, dancing, and lessons based on monthly theme
10:30 am – 10:45 am
Arts/Crafts related to theme
10:45 am – 11:15 am
Wash hands, go potty and have snack time
11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Outdoor play or gym play during inclement weather.
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Get cleaned up, go to the bathroom, do art project
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Wash hands, lunch and dismissal.
for the 2023-2024 School Year:
3 days/week = $469/month
4 days/week = $567/month
5 days/week = $665/month
Non-refundable Enrollment Fee for each child: $150 for new students, $115 returning student.
Each family commits to meeting a $300/year fundraising goal, whivh we call "Fair Share"
10% Sibling Discount applies to tuition rates for additional family members attending PKS.
Application Process
For The 2024/2025 School YearStart by getting information about our pre-school. We look forward to meeting you! Please email membership.