2025 Summer Camp Registration

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Portland Kinderschule 2025 Summer Camp Application and Agreement

Thank you for your interest in our Summer Camps!

Please complete the application for the camp(s) of your choice.


  • All camps are taught in German with English used only when needed.
  • Camps run for one full week, Monday-Friday from 9am - 1pm.
  • Camps are limited to 12 students per camp in order to provide the attention our beloved kids deserve!
  • Camps are available on a first come first serve basis.
  • Each camp is organized around a theme with a combination of free play, art, science, and organized play. This year's themes are:

Camp For Ages 3-5
Camp 1: June 9-13: Einhörner und Dinosaurier (Unicorns & Dinosaurs)

Camps For Ages 4-8
Camp 2: June 16-20: Schätze der Gezeitenbecken (Tide Pool Treasures: Beach Week)
Camp 3: June 23-27: Raumfahrt Endecker (Space Explorers Week)
Camp 4: Aug 4-8: Klanggeschichten (A German Tradition of Stories through Sound with Orff Instruments)
Registration Fees

$285 per Camp per Camper
**Early Bird Discount: $270 per camp per camper when you register by April 15th, 2025!


  1. Please complete this form in its entirety.
  2. Unless the camp is full by the time you complete the form, you will receive an invoice via email within 5 days. (If the camp is already full, you will receive an email indicating you are on the waitlist.)
  3. Once payment is received, your child(ren) will be reserved in the designated camp(s). We will email you confirmation.
  4. As we get closer to camp, you will receive an email with more information. You are always welcome to email us at camp@portlandkinder.com if you have any questions.

CANCELLATIONS: Camps cancelled prior to four weeks before the start of camp are refundable, minus a $75 fee, cancellations received after that period are non refundable. If Portland Kinderschule must cancel a camp entirely, all enrolled families will receive full refunds.NOTE: Portland Kinderschule does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or national origin.